The best parasite cleanse review
Here you will learn about 3 things:
1. What are parasites in humans?
2. Do I have parasites?
3. Where can I find the best Parasite Cleanse?
All humans have parasites. There are at least 3,500 varieties of parasites in humans that we have named, with many more not yet identified. You might not want to believe you carry parasites, but science has proven otherwise. All living things carry at least one parasite but humans are host to a whole lot more. These small organisms feed off of us. They live on and in us. Sometimes they try to overtake us. We must fight back!
Human parasite infections are becoming more common. Unfortunately, a parasite can live and grow inside of you and show little to no symptoms.
Many people who do not take something to help eliminate parasitic infections experience severe debilitating symptoms. Often mistaken for other illnesses, doctors may prescribe several medications, including anti-psychotic drugs, which have no effect on your illness. All along the reason for your ill health can be traced to human parasites.
Fortunately, there are several effective ways of getting rid of these unwanted guests. Leaving you healthy and happy again.
Whats eating you?
Right now many peoples bodies are literally crawling with hundreds or thousands of tiny parasites. Some of these human parasites are good for your health, but many are bad. A person can easily hold more than three pounds of bacteria in their intestine.
When healthy, it is easy to handle this parasitic load, but sometimes the parasites grow out of control. When that happens, you need to take steps to protect yourself and get healthy again.
Have you ever wondered if you have parasites?
It can be a scary thought for sure but don’t worry because you are not alone. Human parasites are actually very common and every year hundreds of millions of cases are reported worldwide. In fact, most people at some point in their lives get parasites.
Parasites can cause a wide variety of symptoms, many of which have nothing to do with your intestinal system.
What is a parasite?
A parasite is defined as an organism that feeds off of another organism to survive. Intestinal parasites can refer to any sort of tiny organism that feeds off of your intestinal system. Some parasites are worms and include some species you have likely heard of including roundworms, whipworms, tapeworms, pinworms and hookworms. All of these worms can live inside of you and cause a wide range of problems.
Some of the worms will feed directly off of your food, which can leave you feeling hungry all the time. Even if you try to eat more, you still can not feel full and you will lose weight even. Other types of intestinal parasites can feed off of your red blood cells causing you to become anemic. Many of the worms also lay eggs inside of you which can cause itching and irritation that makes it difficult for you to fall asleep. Other parasites, like scabies and candida, can live on your skin and cause rashes and itching. If you notice any of those symptoms a parasite infection could be the cause
How do you get parasites?
People can contract human parasites in a number of ways. First, contaminated food or water can be a carrier for parasites to enter your system. Poor sanitation, as well as not properly cooking food, has been the source of infection for many people. Meat is not the only source though, poorly washed fruits and vegetables can also carry parasites into your body. Natural water reserves, like public swimming pools, lakes and rivers also harbor parasites that can enter your body.
Once you become infected with a parasite you can easily transmit it to people around you if precaution is not taken. If you do not properly wash your hands after using the restroom or handling raw food, parasites and their microscopic eggs can be transmitted to door handles, phones, computer keyboards and remote controls. Basically, anything you touch.
To prevent the spread of parasites proper hygiene is very important. Things, like washing your hands and bathing regularly, helps prevent you from spreading them.
Signs You Might Have a Parasite
Do you reuglarly suffer from, constipation, gas, diarrhea, or other signs of IBS?
Did you take a trip and suffer from a severe case of diarrhea while traveling?
Did you fall victim to food poisoning, and have never been able to fully recover?
Do you suffer from insomnia or do you wake up several times a night?
Do you suffer from unexplained skin irritations like rosacea, eczema, hives or rashes?
Do you suffer from Bruxism (Teeth Grinding), while you sleep?
Do you feel weak or get pain in your joints and muscles?
Do you regularly feel fatigued, exhausted or depressed?
Do you have a hard time feeling full, even after large meals?
Do you suffer from iron-deficiency or anemia?
If you suffer from any of the human parasite symptoms you may be infected.
Many times the symptoms of parasites can appear benign or unrelated to anything and are not easily explained. Due to the wide variety of parasites found in the environment, it is sometimes difficult to pin point exactly which one is the cause. While some symptoms might be more common than others, the same parasite can affect people differently and not everyone will have the same symptoms. Bowel conditions like diarrhea or constipation are very common when you have intestinal parasites, but not everyone gets those symptoms. Skin parasites can cause different types of skin irritations on different people, and are often mistaken for simple acne.
Other symptoms, like mood swings and muscle pain, can be caused by the toxins that are released by parasites into your system. A high build up of the parasite toxins in your body can also lead to anxiety and difficulty in sleeping. These toxins can interfere with your synapsis pathways in your brain causing a deterioration in your cognitive functioning.
How to Test for Parasites
According to the FDA and the American Medical Asociation, the ideal way to identify parasites is by taking a stool test. A stool test requires you to deliver a stool sample to the laboratory for analysis. You supply the sample in a plastic container, and you can put it in your refrigerator until you deliver it to the medical professional. Unfortunately, these tests are sometimes unreliable, since they require that a specimen be present and easily identifiable in the sample you provide. Sometimes, even when you are infected, the tests can come back negative. Because of the unique life cycles that human parasites have, you may not be passing parasites in every bowel movement you make. Also, if the parasites have died by the time the lab pathologist examines the stool sample, they will have a hard time finding evidence of parasitic infection. Since they rely on looking for living moving specimens in the sample.
How can A Parasite Cleanse Help with Human Parasites?
If your doctor is able to successfully identify the type of parasite then they will prescribe you with a medication designed to target that specific parasite. Although, if the pathology exam is unable to determine the nature of the parasitic infection then your doctor will not likely prescribe you one of those medications.
Fortunately, there are a wide variety of natural herbal parasite cleansers that have been used to help heal from a parasitic infection. There are many natural herbs that target the parasite at different stages in the parasites life cycle. The best parasite cleanse products contain some of the following ingredients: Oregano Oil, Black walnut, Wormwood, Grapefruit seed extract, Pumpkin seeds, Clove, Garlic, Cayenne, Chinese Goldthread and other proprietary special compounds. All the products we review are natural healthy ways of helping to rid your body of human parasites. The herbal formulas we recommend on this site provide a broad spectrum of activity against the most common parasites found in the human Gastro Intestinal tract while promoting the beneficial gut biodiversity. Since different parasites react differently to a different substance, finding the best herbal parasite cleanse for you can take some time and effort.
If you believe you might be infected with a parasite it is important that you take steps to prevent the deterioration of your health. While some people show no symptoms of parasites, some parasitic infections can lead to very bad consequences for your health. It is not something that should be ignored. A healthy person is a happy person.

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